Louisiana > Vidalia, LA > Counselor > Yvonne Anderson

Yvonne Anderson

Counselor | Vidalia, LA
In-person visits
1644 Carter St, Louisiana 71373 USA
(318) 414-3065
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Languages Spoken English
Top Rated Rated as a top Counselor in Vidalia, LA
Accepting New Patients Appointments available for new patients
Overall rating 5
Description Yvonne Anderson is a counselor who works at a counseling clinic located at 1644 Carter St, Vidalia, LA, 71373. Yvonne Anderson is rated as a top counselor in the Vidalia, LA area.
Yvonne Anderson
Counselor | Vidalia, LA
5 (ratings) Make an Appointment
About Yvonne Anderson

As a dedicated counsellor, Yvonne Anderson offers guidance to individuals and groups (couples, families, etc.) to help them deal with certain issues that affect their subjective well-being and mental health. Counsellors often use “wellness” models to highlight their clients’ strengths to help them become more confident in their everyday lives. She encourages clients to discuss the experiences that have triggered mental health issues along with their emotions. Counsellors examine various issues such as anger management, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and substance abuse. It’s also the job of counsellors to develop therapeutic processes based on their clients’ needs.

Counselling encompasses the counselling process and its outcome, training, supervision, health, prevention, and research. Through counselling, people can find a safe space to open up about the troubles they are facing in their lives, which are typically suppressed due to fear of public stigma. Professional counsellors adhere to a strict code of ethics that involves protecting their clients’ privacy, i.e. keeping their conversations secret. It’s also the responsibility of counsellors to maintain a certain distance with their clients so as not to develop any personal relationships with them.

Yvonne Anderson is rated as a top counselor in the Vidalia, LA area.

Yvonne Anderson is accepting new patients at her practice located at 1644 Carter St, Vidalia, LA, 71373. To book an appointment, please call (318) 414-3065

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