Wisconsin > Appleton, WI > Pediatrician > Dr. William Kasper, MD

Dr. William Kasper, MD

Pediatrician | Appleton, WI
In-person visits
1506 S Oneida St, Wisconsin 54915 USA
(949) 852-3400
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Languages Spoken English
Top Rated Rated as a top Pediatrician in Appleton, WI
Accepting New Patients Appointments available for new patients
Overall rating 5
Description Dr. William Kasper, MD is a pediatrician who works at a pediatrics clinic located at 1506 S Oneida St, Appleton, WI, 54915. Dr. William Kasper, MD is rated as a top pediatrician in the Appleton, WI area.
Dr. William Kasper, MD
Pediatrician | Appleton, WI
5 (ratings) Make an Appointment
About Dr. William Kasper, MD

As a pediatrician, Dr. William Kasper, MD is a specialist in diagnosing and caring for a wide range of physical, behavioral, as well as mental illnesses, diseases, and conditions in children. He is an expert in caring for the health of children, from birth till they turn 18 years old. Pediatricians play an important role in maintaining the general health of your child, even if they don't have any specific illnesses or diseases.

A pediatrician has the required training to diagnose and treat a wide range of illnesses common among children, from minor health problems to more serious diseases. They conduct physical exams, adminsiter vaccinations, ensure milestones in growth and development are reached, diagnose and manage or treat illnesses, injuries, and other health-related problems in your kids, and may even refer you to medical specialists if they think the child can benefit from expert care.

Dr. William Kasper, MD is rated as a top pediatrician in the Appleton, WI area.

Dr. William Kasper, MD is accepting new patients at his practice located at 1506 S Oneida St, Appleton, WI, 54915. To book an appointment, please call (949) 852-3400

Dr. William Kasper, MD - Pediatrician 1506 S Oneida St, Appleton, Wisconsin Get directions
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