Kentucky > Albany, KY > Family Doctor > Dr. Tammy Brown, MD

Dr. Tammy Brown, MD

Family Doctor | Albany, KY
In-person visits
606 Burkesville Rd, Albany, Kentucky 42602, USA
(606) 387-4251
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Languages Spoken English
Top Rated Rated as a top Family Doctor in Albany, KY
Accepting New Patients Appointments available for new patients
Overall rating 4.7
Description Dr. Tammy Brown, MD is a family doctor who works at a family medicine clinic located at 606 Burkesville Rd, Albany, Kentucky, 42602. She is rated as a top family doctor in the Albany, Kentucky area.
Dr. Tammy Brown, MD
Family Doctor | Albany, KY
4.7 (ratings) Make an Appointment
About Dr. Tammy Brown, MD

As a Family Doctor, Dr. Tammy Brown, MD focuses on providing comprehensive medical care to people of all ages and treat different health conditions. Family Doctors take care of people and not just treat diseases. Family Doctors are responsible for taking care of the patient's lives in the context of their family and community. While there are some similarities between primary care and family medicine specialists, the latter has an unprecedented opportunity to impact the health of the patient over their entire lifetime. She will be managing common complaints, diagnosing emerging conditions, and overseeing preventative care. Whether you have a bladder infection or a flu virus, the go-to resource is the family doctor.

It is the responsibility of the family doctor to ensure that they take care of their patient's physical, mental as well as emotional wellbeing. They are the first ones a patient confides in on experiencing unusual symptoms. Since they will be familiar with the patient's medical records, they can quickly recognize whether the change is an indication of a hidden, serious condition.

Dr. Tammy Brown, MD is rated as a top family doctor in the Albany, Kentucky area.

Dr. Tammy Brown, MD is accepting new patients at her practice located at 606 Burkesville Rd, Albany, Kentucky, 42602. To book an appointment, please call (606) 387-4251

Dr. Tammy Brown, MD - Family Doctor 606 Burkesville Rd, Albany, Kentucky Get directions
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