Missouri > Saint Peters, MO > Dermatologist > Dr. Paul Gruber, MD

Dr. Paul Gruber, MD

Dermatologist | Saint Peters, MO
In-person visits
5700 Mexico Rd Ste 14, Missouri 63376 USA
(636) 277-0371
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Languages Spoken English
Top Rated Rated as a top Dermatologist in Saint Peters, MO
Accepting New Patients Appointments available for new patients
Overall rating 4.7
Description Dr. Paul Gruber, MD is a dermatologist who works at a dermatology clinic located at 5700 Mexico Rd Ste 14, Saint Peters, MO, 63376. Dr. Paul Gruber, MD is rated as a top dermatologist in the Saint Peters, MO area.
Dr. Paul Gruber, MD
Dermatologist | Saint Peters, MO
4.7 (ratings) Make an Appointment
About Dr. Paul Gruber, MD

As an expert dermatologist, Dr. Paul Gruber, MD specializes in diagnosing and treating more than 3000 diseases pertaining to the skin, nails, and hair. Dermatologists also deal with cosmetic concerns of patients in these areas which can significantly lower the self worth of patients and cause discomfort, making it difficult to carry out daily tasks. He is qualified to deal with skin conditions such as warts, dermatitis, skin cancer, fungal infections, acne, psoriasis, eczema, cold sores, and more. In some cases, dermatologists can also perform skin surgery to remove skin cancer, discolourations and growths. They can also help in the prevention and early control of diseases, reduce any damage to the skin resulting from sunlight, aging, or disease, and diagnose skin condition following a biopsy.

Dermatologists need to have expertise in basic sciences which include pathology, physics, endocrinology, microbiology, physiology, as well as biochemistry. Medical specialities are necessary since so many skin diseases and other external issues are linked to several internal conditions. Early assessment and diagnosis allows for more successful implementation of a treatment plan so that the patient has the best chances of recovery.

Dr. Paul Gruber, MD is rated as a top dermatologist in the Saint Peters, MO area.

Dr. Paul Gruber, MD is accepting new patients at his practice located at 5700 Mexico Rd Ste 14, Saint Peters, MO, 63376. To book an appointment, please call (636) 277-0371

Dr. Paul Gruber, MD - Dermatologist 5700 Mexico Rd Ste 14, Saint Peters, Missouri Get directions
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