North Carolina > Raleigh, NC > Otolaryngologist > Dr. Mark Brown, MD

Dr. Mark Brown, MD

Otolaryngologist | Raleigh, NC
In-person visits
4600 Lake Boone Trl Ste 100, North Carolina 27607 USA
(919) 787-1374
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Languages Spoken English
Top Rated Rated as a top Otolaryngologist in Raleigh, NC
Accepting New Patients Appointments available for new patients
Overall rating 4.4
Description Dr. Mark Brown, MD is an otolaryngologist (ENT) who works at an ear, nose, and throat clinic located at 4600 Lake Boone Trl Ste 100, Raleigh, NC, 27607. Dr. Mark Brown, MD is rated as a top otolaryngologist in the Raleigh, NC area.
Dr. Mark Brown, MD
Otolaryngologist | Raleigh, NC
4.4 (ratings) Make an Appointment
About Dr. Mark Brown, MD

As a highly-trained otolaryngologist, Dr. Mark Brown, MD works on treating the conditions of ears, nose, and throat along with some areas of the neck and head. The field of Otolaryngology is focused on the ear, nose, and throat. The most common issues include ear conditions like infection, trouble with balance or hearing loss, nasal and nose issues such as sinusitis, growths, or allergies, and throat issues like difficulty in swallowing, voice issues, and tonsillitis. Otolaryngology also deals with infections and tumors of the neck or head along with sleep trouble issues such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. He is an expert in ENT issues and with their medical and surgical skills, is able to treat patients suffering from ear, nose, and throat issues. This also involves ENT surgery used for managing benign tumors and cancers of the neck and head along with plastic surgery.

ENT specialists or otolaryngologists can treat different medical conditions and perform surgery. They have an understanding of science related to the neck and head, communication systems, upper alimentary and upper respiratory systems, and chemical senses.

Dr. Mark Brown, MD is rated as a top otolaryngologist in the Raleigh, NC area.

Dr. Mark Brown, MD is accepting new patients at his practice located at 4600 Lake Boone Trl Ste 100, Raleigh, NC, 27607. To book an appointment, please call (919) 787-1374

Dr. Mark Brown, MD - Otolaryngologist (ENT) 4600 Lake Boone Trl Ste 100, Raleigh, North Carolina Get directions
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