Illinois > Springfield, IL > Plastic Surgeon > Dr. Amanda Ross, MD

Dr. Amanda Ross, MD

Plastic Surgeon | Springfield, IL
In-person visits
800 E Carpenter St, Illinois 62702 USA
(217) 544-6464
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Languages Spoken English
Top Rated Rated as a top Plastic Surgeon in Springfield, IL
Accepting New Patients Appointments available for new patients
Overall rating 5
Description Dr. Amanda Ross, MD is a plastic surgeon who works at a cosmetic, plastic & reconstructive surgery clinic located at 800 E Carpenter St, Springfield, IL, 62702. Dr. Amanda Ross, MD is rated as a top plastic surgeon in the Springfield, IL area.
Dr. Amanda Ross, MD
Plastic Surgeon | Springfield, IL
5 (ratings) Make an Appointment
About Dr. Amanda Ross, MD

As a plastic surgeon, Dr. Amanda Ross, MD aims to enhance people's aesthetic quotient through facial and body reconstruction. Plastic surgeons are capable of improving people's appearances, irrespective of the trauma or illnesses which created the problem in the first place. She strives to restore bodily functions along with enhancing the appearance. With the exception of the nervous system, plastic surgeons are able to help with problems of any part of the body. A wide variety of surgical techniques are leveraged by plastic surgeons in their work. Some examples include microvascular operation, skin grafts and flap surgery. Visible deformities caused by traumatic injuries, birth defects, tumors and burns are often remedied by, transferring healthy tissue from one part of the body to the affected area. Plastic surgeons are trained to work with all types of tissue like muscle, fat and blood vessels.

Plastic surgeons offer myriad solutions for their patient's problems. Some of the common procedures they perform are blepharoplasty, liposuction, abdominoplasty, breast augmentation, breast reduction, rhinoplasty, rhytidectomy and forehead lift.

Dr. Amanda Ross, MD is rated as a top plastic surgeon in the Springfield, IL area.

Dr. Amanda Ross, MD is accepting new patients at her practice located at 800 E Carpenter St, Springfield, IL, 62702. To book an appointment, please call (217) 544-6464

Dr. Amanda Ross, MD - Plastic Surgeon 800 E Carpenter St, Springfield, Illinois Get directions
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